Sunday, November 10, 2013

Back view

Today is Saint Leo's feast day so after Mass all of us went out to the land to be with our Leo. :)
 Daddy/Jake spread rye grass seed in the front pasture... Blaise and I watered the roses and the orchard.
We also bleached out our well.  I spent a long time pacing out my landscaping plans and figured out how many of each plant and tree we need. It looks like we will need 4 Florabunda Roses per window and 10 red Lantana to plant as a border around them. See the back porch?  I am thinking of planting blueberry bushes around it because they LOVE the sun and they would be well tended to there. Plus, I would much rather spend money on plants we can eat from. :) I may add a few more plum
 and cherry trees to the orchard.

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