Monday, November 18, 2013

Workin hard

My guys worked SO hard all day yesterday on the land. After Mass we went out to the house as a family and moved four truck loads of scrap wood from the home-site to "Jake's Corner" of the property. 
Jake has a very organized spot for all of his building materials...they will be stored there until he builds his utility barn/well house. We collected enough wood for the deluxe poultry house we hope to build this February, the square foot gardens, a couple of window seats and a small goat barn.
 I also found some square column like pieces that will be perfect for the grape arbor in our "Little Tuscany". :) The grape vines, olive tree, pear and cherry trees should be arriving sometime this winter to be planted for spring growth. I can't wait!!
All five of the kids helped out ...and you should have seen how much fun they had riding in the open truck bed around the land as they moved the wood. It was already 2:00 pm when Isaac, Justice, Rosalie and I ran to the convenience store for Gatorades and a little lunch. Boy, does food taste even better when you have been working for hours outside!!
One of the highlights of the day for us is having some of our dear friends come out and walk the property with us! It made my heart so happy to have people we love out there with us in our favorite spot!!!

This picture was snapped as the boys were walking to the suburban...the moon was FULL...the coyotes were singing and we were ready to head home for SLEEP! I said, "Boys! Kneel down in the light...I can get a picture!" Hence, the random shot in front of our well the dark. :)

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