Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thinkin and thinkin

Okay, is a very blue house. Honestly, the color makes me happy...part of me says "Be more normal!" but then part of me says "Naaa!":) Maybe with the white trim it will look more subtle. If I can save on repainting and put the extra toward the farm I would like to. :)
I also have a more definite goal in mind for the farm. I would like to have it producing enough to cover my grocery bill and my farming expenses within 3 years. To do this I am going to get two for the farm expenses and one for our grocery bills. I am simply going to staple all receipts for each month on a piece of construction paper and place it in a page protector. At the end of the month I will write the total clearly at the bottom of the page. The more we grow and store...hopefully the lower our grocery bill goes. I will try to make a profit in order to cover the "left over" grocery expense and the feed and seed costs.
Feeding the family/ Funding the Farm
hopefully by the fall of 2017.

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