Sunday, February 23, 2014

Say sod!!

We had a wonderful day at the land today...laying sod and mulching the plants. It took the entire day from sun up to sun down to lay it all but we finally have the landscaping in!
The sun felt great and it was great to come home with tan arms and faces. :)
Uncle David helped us lay sod, Aunt Kathy came yesterday and helped rake the yard...and we had Nana Mare, Pops, Shawn, Marilisa, Bridget, Bailey, Seamus and Bernadette stop by for a visit. 
The kids enjoyed the break from sodding and zip lined for a little while. :)
The chickens are getting too big for their box...a coop has to be made soon. And oh !! The cappuccino bar is coming along on the back patio...I am so excited about this space...I dream of serving many a mocha over that counter!!!

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